
Ancient Mystery Solved: Skull of Cleopatra’s Sister

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Ancient Mystery Solved: Skull Once Thought to Belong to Cleopatra’s Sister Actually Belongs to a Boy

For nearly a century, archaeologists believed they had found the remains of Arsinoë IV, the half-sister of Cleopatra. However, a new study using advanced DNA analysis and CT scans has revealed that the skull actually belonged to a young boy with a genetic disorder.

The skeleton was discovered in 1929 inside a marble tomb at the Octagon, an ancient burial site in Ephesus, Turkey. Since there were no inscriptions or grave goods, early archaeologists guessed it might belong to Arsinoë IV, who led a rebellion against her sister Cleopatra and Julius Caesar during the Siege of Alexandria (48–47 BCE). After losing the battle, Arsinoë sought refuge in the Temple of Artemis but was later executed in 41 BCE under orders from Mark Antony.

To determine the true identity of the remains, researchers conducted radiocarbon dating and genetic tests. The results confirmed that the individual died between 205 and 36 BCE—within the timeframe of Arsinoë’s death. However, skeletal analysis revealed a shocking discovery: the individual was only 11 to 14 years old, much younger than Arsinoë would have been at the time of her execution.

“But then came the big surprise,” said Gerhard Weber, a professor of evolutionary anthropology at the University of Vienna. “In repeated tests, the skull and femur both clearly showed the presence of a Y chromosome – in other words, a male.”

Further analysis of the skull showed unusual bone development, including an asymmetrical skull and a malformed jaw. These abnormalities suggest the boy may have had Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS), a rare genetic disorder that affects facial bone development. However, due to the age of the remains, there wasn’t enough DNA to confirm this condition with certainty.

The biggest question remains unanswered: Why was this boy buried in such an important tomb? The Octagon was a prestigious burial site, meaning the boy must have been significant in some way. Researchers continue to investigate his identity and the mystery surrounding his burial.

This discovery demonstrates how modern science can challenge long-held historical assumptions, rewriting ancient history with new evidence.

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